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Looking for a girl singer

Pop Band sucht Musiker (Gesang) in Zürich (ZH) - CH

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Looking for a girl singer

Hi! I am looking for a singer to my new tribute band. We practice on the weekends in Zurich in a rented room. I am Charlie and i would be the second singer. Let me know if you are interested and i will tell you more. The rehearsal room costs 65CHF per month each person, i have a car and i live in Zug, so i could also take you with car sometimes, if you are on the way. We are looking for someone who is commited, who communicates because we trust in this project

Band sucht Musiker, Gesang, Pop, Zürich, CH

#BandSuchtMusiker #Musiker #Band #Pop #Gesang #Zürich #CH

Direktlink: Bandmatch - Looking for a girl singer
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Kategorie / Stil / Instrument Band sucht Musiker / Pop / Gesang
Skills Profimusiker
Alter 30 - 40
Author Charlotte
Ort CH - Zürich (ZH) Land (Map)
Erstellt / Geändert / Gültig bis 2024-03-20 / / 2024-06-18